Cotopaxi Cayambe Logo Cotopaxi Cayambe Logo

Last fall, Nat Geo Explorer and Do Good Ambassador Albert Lin joined the Range Of Motion Project—a long-time impact partner of the Cotopaxi Foundation—on their annual Climbing for ROMP trek. Together, Albert and ROMP Athlete Carlos Aguinda ascended Cayambe, the highest point on the equator, to raise money and awareness for amputees in need of prosthetics.

Follow Albert and Carlos on their empowering and emotional journey up Cayambe in our three-part series. A new episode drops every Tuesday.

Episode 1

Albert prepares for his trip to Ecuador and connects with his climbing partner and ROMP Athlete, Carlos. Explore the gear he loaded up for his trip.

Why It’s Important

It’s estimated that 90% of lower limb amputees globally still don’t have access to a prosthetic. At Cotopaxi, we share Albert’s sentiment that access to movement and nature should be an “inalienable right,” and that’s why we believe in ROMP’s mission to ensure access to high-quality prosthetic care for underserved people as means for improving their autonomy.

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Support ROMP

While ROMP has delivered over 5,849 devices and had over 19,810 patient visits since its genesis in 2005, the list of those in need of a prosthetic and care continues to grow. With over 1,000 people still on their waitlist, we hope that you’ll join us in supporting ROMP’s mission of improving access to mobility for all.

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