Our Mission

Adventure inspires us to see the world and make it better. That’s why we create responsibly made outdoor gear that brings performance, color, and joy to all, and helps us build a movement to support communities around the world.

Our Gear For Good® Promise

Reduce Inequality

Communities Empowered

We support people impacted by poverty around the world, with a primary focus on Latin America. We dedicate 1% of annual revenue to the Cotopaxi Foundation, which supports nonprofits with proven track records of reducing poverty through health care, education, and livelihoods.

Our 2023 Impact Report

Find out how you helped us Do Good last year

read our report

Our Founder & Chairman

Davis Smith grew up throughout Latin America, where he saw first-hand the hardship resulting from unequal access to opportunity. He has since dedicated himself to using business as a force for good in order to address the inequality he witnessed during his childhood.

The Mountain

The Mountain

One of the world's highest active volcanoes, Cotopaxi (koh-toh-PAHK-see) in Ecuador had a major presence in our founder’s childhood. The mountain’s glacial streams, wild llamas, and countless trails inspired him to found an outdoor gear company.

Our Work in Ecuador

Let’s Do Good Together

We move people to Do Good. Here are a few ways to start.

Support Our Mission

Want to help us make the world a better place through sustainably minded gear?